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Marketplace with filters. Easily find the best widget for your live stream

Find the best heart rate widget for your stream in our Marketplace with tags.

Choose the category and widgets will got filtered so you could find the right widget faster. Remeber, that all widgets have configurations and can be changed to fit your live stream.

To match widget style with your Twitch or YouTube overlay, use its configurations or custom CSS in OBS.


We've chosen 9 most popular tags for Pulsoid hear trate widgets and added them as filters in the Marketplace:

BPM - obviously, the first widget you are going to use from Pulsoid, but let's not stop here.

Popular - we analyzed the most used widgets in Pulsoid and now you do not have to scroll through all widgets we have to find the best of them, e.g. real-time graph or custom sound wigdet.

Animations will make a great combination with your BPM widget.

Fitness widgets are made for your workouts, running, yoga, or rhythm games. Choose Heart rate zones bar widget + Fitness text widget to track your activity and make sure your heart rate is in taret zone while training.

Advanced widgets make your stream more interactive and hold viewers attention, which is highly important for a video content, especially nowadays when people chose from infinitive number of content creators. Add special activities connected to your heart rate, set up sound allert, promote your emotes with custom picture widget.

Games - get themed widgets for your gaming live stream. We have Doom Guy, VALORANT, Cyberpunk (4 widgets!),SpongeBob, Dead by Daylight, and CS:GO widgets. Submit your suggestions.

Custom/Media widgets allow you to upload your own files: images, sounds, videos, overlays - and play them when heart rate is in the zone you set up. It is a great tool to promote your twitch emotes, set up sound alerts, add spooky or default heartbeat sound to increase immersion.

Overlays can be used for the whole scene or your webcam. Customize your frames to fit BPM level, add bloody hands for top scary moments, use Call of Duty style red frame for your most exciting moments!

Hearts are great to make sure your viewers know it is a heart rate on strea, not a FPS.

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