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How To Use Pusloid Application In Streamlabs OBS

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Pulsoid can be found in Streamlabs OBS App Store.

Pulsoid  heart rate widget in Streamlabs OBS
Pulsoid heart rate widget in Streamlabs OBS


If you are using the Streamlabs OBS for streaming you might choose the easier way to use Pulsoid — install the app directly in Streamlabs OBS. Of course, you will still need the Heart rate Monitor and mobile application to collect data from the monitor.

If you do not use Streamlabs OBS you can use Pulsoid using our website.

Installing Pulsoid application

After you got the monitor Open App Store in Streamlabs OBS and find Pulsoid. Click Install. There is a Welcome page that will help you to set up.

Pulsoid Welcome tab in SLOBS
Pulsoid Welcome tab in SLOBS

Get a Heart Rate Monitor

To use the Pusloid application in SLOBS you need the Heart Rate monitor. The BLE connection and chest strap format are required. Pulsoid can not get heart rate data from watches or bracelets. More information about how to choose a heart rate monitor for streaming.

Supported monitor examples: Wahoo TICKR, Coospo H6, Polar H10.


Install Mobile application and log in

After Pulsoid is installed in your SLOBS go to “App password”. Get Pusloid free mobile application on App Store for iOS device or Google Play for Android device.

Get login credentials for mobile application in Streamlabs OBS

Pulsoid mobile application password in SLOBS
Pulsoid mobile application password in SLOBS


Check your Status

The status tab will give you information about your connection. If you connected the monitor to the mobile application and can’t see your current heart rate, follow troubleshooting steps.

Pulsoid status tab in SLOBS
Pulsoid status tab in SLOBS


Add sources for widgets in the Streamlabs OBS Studio

How to add Pulsoid to Streamlabs OBS

Go to the Studio and click ‘+’ in sources. Choose “Heart Rate Widget” in the Apps list and click ‘Add source’.

Add Heart Rate widget source to Streamlabs OBS scene

Note, if you want to have a few different Pulsoid widgets (for example blue-red gradient BPM and ECG animation on one screen) you have to toggle “Add a new source instead” when adding the next source.


Add a new pulse modiule source to Streamlabs OBS

As a result, you will have all sources with unique names in the Sources list. If some sources have the same name, they must be the same entity and going to display the same content.


A few heart rate widgets in one scene in Streamlabs OBS
A few heart rate widgets in one scene in Streamlabs OBS

Assign and configure

Open Pulsoid App or click “Open App Settings” in source’s settings to open the “Configuration” tab.

Pulsoid App settings in Streamlabs OBS editor

When you open “Configuration” you see all your sources. You need to assign the widget from the Marketplace to your source to make it show up in your editor as a widget. Click “Assign” and choose the widget you want to use. Click “Add to my widgets”.

When widgets are assigned, you can Configure it. Each widget has different configurations.

Note, when you click “Unassign”, the widget is removed and configurations lost. It’s really important with Images widget that allows uploading your own images, files won’t be accessible in new images widget.

Move, Resize, Go Live.

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